Generate rent receipt

Generate rent receipt

  1. In the Rent Center tab, click Properties & Tenants dropdown.
  2. Select Create Rent Receipts.
  3. Select the tenant for whom you want to generate a rent receipt.
  4. The details would be prefilled. Verify and edit the details if required.
  5. Add a digital signature by clicking on the checkbox near Add signature.
  6. Select Add Signature.
  7. Choose whether you want to include an image of your signature or enter the signature text.
  8. Follow the steps and click Done.
  9. Click Email. Review / edit the details as appropriate and select Send Email.
  10. To view all the rent receipts generated, navigate to Properties & Tenants, and select View rent receipts.

This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.