Quicken combines data from all your investment accounts, no matter how many different financial institutions and plan administrators you have. Simply create a Quicken account for each of your real-world investment accounts, and then use the powerful research and analysis tools to examine all your investments in one place. The Investing tab, Portfolio, Portfolio Analyzer, Security List, and investment reports provide news, fundamentals, performance, history, and analysis. Perhaps just as importantly, you can create a personalized asset allocation target that includes all your accounts together, and then monitor and rebalance as necessary. The Portfolio X-Ray feature analyzes deep into mutual funds, ETF’s, and other equity funds to reveal your true exposure in individual equities, including those in your mutual funds.
Keeping your records up to date is simple using the Enter Transaction dialogs. Better still, sign up for online account services with Quicken and simply update transactions, balances, and holdings directly from your participating financial institution (Internet access required).
You can also evaluate your holdings, research potential investments, download stock quotes, and historical prices. You can have Quicken alert you about important news about the securities in your portfolio or Watch List (Internet access required).
Quicken records the purchase dates and prices when you enter or download transactions, so you don't need to search for old brokerage statements to identify lots and calculate tax liability when you sell. Just tell Quicken how you want to handle the sale—First Shares In, Last Shares In, Minimum Gain, or Maximum Gain. The Capital Gains Estimator can help you optimize security sales to realize the greatest after-tax yield. And the capital gains report can save you hours at tax time.
- How do I add special investment account types?
- Invest for the future
- About using an investment transaction list
- About tracking securities and security prices
- How do I manage securities?
- How do I update security prices (get quotes)?
- How do I download prices for market indexes?
- How do I set up or edit a Watch List?
- How do I change a security's ticker symbol?
- How do I view today's performance for market indexes and securities I'm watching?
- How do I set up and work with security types?
- How do I view a security's price history/market value graph?
- How do I correct a mistake in the security's transaction history (Security Detail View)?
- How do I decide how much historical data to add?
- How do I track the performance of cash in an investment account?
- What if Quicken tells me deleting my 401(k) contribution will also delete my 401(k) loan repayment when setting up a paycheck?
- About researching investment opportunities online
- About updating investment account statements
- Tell me about how Quicken matches investment transactions
- Update investment transactions, balances, and holdings
- Review and accept investment transactions I've downloaded
- How do I edit and delete downloaded investment transactions?
- How do I compare my broker's downloaded holdings to my Quicken portfolio?
- How do I enter adjustments to my Quicken Portfolio to match your broker's online holdings information?
- How do I download a stock split?
- About manually entering investment transactions
- How do I fund my investment account?
- How do I enter transactions for my cash management account?
- How do I buy a security?
- How do I buy a bond? (All types except U.S. Savings bonds)
- How do I buy exchange-traded options?
- Add shares to an account
- How do I sell a security?
- How do I remove shares from an account without affecting the account's cash balance?
- How do I transfer cash into or out of an account?
- How do I record a miscellaneous expense?
- How do I record a margin interest expense?
- How do I transfer shares?
- How do I create an investment reminder?
- How do I record a short sale?
- How do I cover a short sale?
- How do I adjust the share balance?
- How do I redeem shares for IRA custodial fees?
- Investment Partnerships in Quicken
- Tell me about the investment transaction list's Actions
- About tracking dividends and income
- About tracking corporate actions
- About tracking bonds and CDs
- How do I buy a bond? (U.S. Savings bond or EE)
- Record interest on a bond other than a U.S. Savings bond, municipal, or zero coupon bond
- How do I record bond interest (U.S. Savings)
- How do I record interest and increased value for a zero-coupon bond?
- Record interest on a municipal bond
- How do I sell a bond before it matures?
- How do I sell or redeem a U.S. Savings bond?
- How do I sell a Treasury bill?
- How do I record the retirement of a Ginnie Mae bond?
- Track the tax implications of a bond sale or maturation
- How do I resolve issues with downloaded bonds-related transactions?
- How do I record interest for a certificate of deposit (CD)?
- About tracking employee stock plans
- How do I enter an employee stock option grant (ESOG)?
- How do I exercise employee stock options?
- How do I reprice employee stock options?
- Edit an employee stock option grant
- How do I buy ESPP (employee stock purchase plan) shares?
- How do I sell ESPP (employee stock purchase plan) shares?
- Tell me about tax terms for ESPP (employee stock purchase plan) shares
- Tracking and updating a 401(k)/403(b) account
- How do I use the 401(k) Update wizard?
- How do I update 401(k) transactions directly from my financial institution?
- How do I manually enter 401(k) transactions?
- How do I roll over a 401(k) account?
- How do I add a new security to my 401(k) portfolio?
- Record a transfer of funds
- How do I record maintenance fees if I don't use the 401(k) Update wizard?
- How do I track my employer's 401(k) matching contribution if I haven't set up my paycheck?
- How do I enter 401(k) catchup contributions?
- How do I record a 401(k) distribution?
- About reconciling investment accounts
- About monitoring portfolio performance
- Tell me about the Portfolio column headings
- Tell me about key investment performance calculations used in Quicken
- How do I view performance and analysis information for an investing account?
- How do I customize the Portfolio?
- How do I view the tax implications of my holdings?
- How do I use standard Portfolio page to answer investment questions
- How do I see the value of my portfolio?
- How do I view my Average Annual Return (IRR)?
- How do I compare the performance of my portfolio to industry benchmarks?
- How do I view ROI in the Portfolio window?
- Analyze my portfolio
- How do I create investment reports?
- How do I work with investing goals?
- How do I export my portfolio to Excel?
- About managing my portfolio's asset allocation
- About estimating capital gains before selling
- How do I use the Buy/Sell Preview for a quick estimate?
- How do I use the Capital Gains Estimator?
- How do I use the What Should I Sell component of the Capital Gains Estimator?
- How do I change my options in the Capital Gains Estimator?
- How do I work with scenarios in the Capital Gains Estimator?
- How do I choose tax rates in the Capital Gains Estimator?
- How do I use losses to offset gains? (Capital Gains Estimator)
- View the results of my proposed sale
- About making my historical information more complete
- About using to view and work with my accounts
- About restricted stock units
- Convert Shares Added to Stock Split
- Investing Help
- Why aren't individual investments projected?
- Security Setup & Asset Class Mixture
- Move Shares Out
- No valid prices found to import
- Create Opening Share Balance
- Cash/Share Balance Reconciled
- Investment account: balance adjustment
- No reconciliation for mutual fund accounts with splits
- Transaction Fees
- Current Value
- Off by % points
- Target %
- What rate of return am I currently getting?
- How do I resolve renamed securities?
- Asset class
- Different transaction histories
- When should I rebalance?
- Adjustment
- What are the rules for tax-deferred distributions?
- Account setup brokerage holdings summary
- How do I track employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) shares manually (for accounts from previous Quicken versions)?
- Additional 401(k) Information
- Marketplace/Financial Institution News tab banking and investments
- What is the ending cash balance for this account?
- What is the financial institution for this account?
- Your brokerage may use a money market fund to represent the cash balance in this account
- What securities are in this account?
- How do I use a linked checking account?
- Investing Task
- Add Security to Quicken
- How do I add shares to an account without affecting an account's cash balance?
- How much detail do you want to include in this adjustment?
- How do I archive investment transactions?
- How do I calculate whether to cash a U.S. Savings Bond in early?
- How do I convert a brokerage account to a 401(k) or IRA account?
- Edit Security Details
- How do I find cash? (Capital Gains Estimator)
- How bonds are priced
- Tell me how Quicken records the numbers I enter (Price or Shares)
- Accept downloaded transactions into transaction list
- Match Securities
- How do I move investment transactions?
- What if Quicken asks me how I want to record a Downloaded Shares/Downloaded Shares Removed transaction?
- How do I select accounts to use? (Capital Gains Estimator)
- How do I set up a target asset allocation?
- How do I specify lots when selling a security?
- How do I specify shares to sell and price? (Capital Gains Estimator)
- About state tax rates (Capital Gains Estimator)
- Why is Quicken telling me to launch a wizard?
- How do I work with investment transaction groups?
- Enter a single mutual fund's opening share balance
- Entering a share price
- Enter your current holdings information
- Entering the numbers of shares
- How do I work with memorized investment transactions?
- Investing Troubleshooting
- How do I resolve a security comparison mismatch
- What if I need to fix a downloaded Sell transaction that doesn't have a corresponding Buy?
- What if something goes wrong (Updating investment account statements)
- What if something goes wrong (Entering investment transactions)
- What if I need to move shares in or add shares to my investment account without executing a Buy transaction?
- What if I need to get the current price of my stock option update when I download quotes?
- What if I need to remove shares from my investment account without executing a Sell?
- What if I need to resolve a difference between my Quicken portfolio and the downloaded holdings from my broker?
- What if something goes wrong with investments?
- What if Quicken asks me how to add a new cash transaction that I just downloaded into my brokerage account? (What are my options?)
- What if I delete a security? Will its price history still be stored on my computer?
- What if I need to fix a negative ending cash balance?
- What if Quicken was unable to get prices for some of the securities I track?
- What if something goes wrong (Reconciling investment accounts)
- "The transaction about to be reversed is not in your transaction list" when comparing and accepting downloaded transactions
- What if something goes wrong (Tracking securities and security prices)
- What if I sold all of my shares in a previous version, but shares still appear?
- What if my investment report shows stocks that I don't want to see?
- What if the investment performance report shows too high a return?
- What if the Portfolio market value doesn't match the transaction list market value?
- "This security is in use" when trying to delete a security
- What if I receive a message that I need to recalculate an investment transaction?
- What if the numbers in my investment transaction list aren't being calculated correctly?
- What if I can't select Buy as an action in my investment account?
- What if the number of shares of a security in a scenario changes to zero? (Capital Gains Estimator)
- Security Detail View
- Why is the Cash Amt column for an investment transaction N/A or blank?
- What if my portfolio report and my transaction list show a different market value?
- What if my report or graph does not show a cost basis for my security?
- What if the balance of my investment account doesn't include the value of my employee stock options?
- What if the capital gains report shows incorrect numbers?
- What if the market value of my employee stock options is different from my ending balance?
- What if my security's price history is missing?
- Securities Comparison Mismatch
- Preferences and customizations
- Set Quicken preferences
- Startup preferences
- Navigation preferences
- Tours preference
- Colors preferences
- Setup preferences
- Calendar and currency preferences
- Backup preferences
- Web Connect preferences
- Alerts & Messages preferences
- Investments preferences
- Investing portfolio preferences
- Register preferences
- Data entry and QuickFill preferences
- Notify preferences
- Write Checks preferences
- Downloaded Transactions preferences
- Transfer detection preferences
- Reports and Graphs preferences
- Reports only preferences
- Changing Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts preferences
- Pending Transactions Preferences
- Customize the Quicken Toolbar
- Set Quicken accessibility options
- Create more space to work with your register or transaction list
- Resolve memory problems
- Set Quicken preferences
- Using the Watchlist
Note for our Canadian Customers
The following terms will be different in the Canadian releases of Quicken.
Canada: "Cheque" / United States: "Check"
Canada: "Colour" / United States: "Color"
Canada: "Centre" / United States: "Center"
Canada: "Realise" / United States: "Realize"
Canada: "Behaviour" / United States: "Behavior"
Canada: "Analyse" / United States: "Analyze"