Enter asset information (Lifetime Planner)

Enter asset information (Lifetime Planner)

The Lifetime Planner allows you to enter information about assets you currently own as well as assets that you intend to acquire in the future ("planned assets"). While the process for entering both types of assets is similar, the actual screens may vary depending on the type of asset and whether you plan to sell it.

  1. If you have an asset you intend to sell at a later date (for example, your home), select the corresponding asset account or planned asset and click Sales Info.
  2. Select an account or planned asset and click Loans to tell Quicken about loans associated it.
  3. Select an account or planned asset and click Expenses to tell Quicken about any expenses associated with it; for example, property taxes and home owner's insurance fees associated with your home, or registration and license fees associated with your car.


    Certain expenses related to assets (home association fees, lawn maintenance fee, average upkeep costs, and so on) could also be entered in the Lifetime Planner as living expenses. If you enter expenses associated with your home or asset in the Home & Assets dialog, remember not to enter them again as living expenses.

  4. Select an asset or planned asset and click Income to tell the Lifetime Planner about any income associated with it (for example, if you rent all or part of your home). By default, the Lifetime Planner taxes the gain at the average tax rate you set in the Average Tax Rate dialog.
  5. Select a planned asset and click Choose Accts to tell the Lifetime Planner how you intend to pay for it.


  • Tips about monitoring available funds for a special purchase
  • Tips about entering the purchase price and expected growth rate
  • Tips about entering type of asset and plans to sell information
  • Tips about entering the cost of improvements, tax rate on gain, and tax exemption
  • Tips about entering the use of proceeds from selling this asset
  • Tips about entering loan information
  • Tips about entering expenses associated with assets
  • Tips about entering income associated with assets
  • Currency tips
  • General tips
  • See also the general discussion of Assets.

Return to Get started with the Lifetime Planner.

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