Write Checks preferences

Write Checks preferences

You can set several preferences for your checks to customize your experience.

  1. Choose Edit menu > Preferences.
  2. In the left pane, click Write Checks.
  3. In the right pane, select the settings you want to use. 

    Printed Date Style
    4-digit yearPrints year as four digits, such as 2021. Depending on your printer, font, and check style, you may have difficulty printing the four-digit year. The Regional and Language Options in the Windows Control Panel also affects the way Quicken displays dates.
    2-digit yearPrints year as two digits such as 21
    Check Settings
    Spell currency unitsWhen this option is selected, Quicken will specify and spell out the currency unit in the second amount field (for example, "Thirty Dollars Only" vs. "Thirty Only").
    Allow entry of extra message on check

    Adds an extra message line to the check and prints it where it can't be seen from the transparent window on the envelope. You can use it for confidential information such as credit account numbers.

    If you add a message and then clear this check box, Quicken saves the text of the message. You can restore the message by selecting this check box again.

    You add the message only from the Write Checks window (Tools menu > Write and Print Checks).

    Print categories on voucher checksVoucher checks have a perforated, attached voucher page that allows room for more descriptive memos or itemized breakdown of the payment. With this setting, you can print category information from split transactions on the attachment. Quicken can print up to 16 lines of split information on the attachment.
    Change date of checks to date when printedChanges the date of your checks to the date when you print them. This is useful if you typically print your checks on different days than you write them.

    Show Check Pay option in Print Checks (early access)This early access feature gives you the option, when printing a check, to use our Check Pay service instead.
  4. When you have completed changing your settings, select OK.

More information about printing checks

This article has general guidelines for printing from Quicken. If you are having printing issues please see the support article Troubleshooting Printing Problems.

Are you having alignment issues? See How do I align my printer for printing checks?

Using Quicken to write and print your checks can save you time and help you to avoid clerical errors. Additionally, you can avoid the duplicate work of handwriting checks and then recording them in Quicken. You can print checks with Quicken on both page-oriented printers (including laser and inkjet printers such as Hewlett-Packard LaserJet and Inkjet printers) and continuous-feed printers.

  1. If you haven't prepared your printer, set it up now.

  2. Open the account you want to print checks from.

  3. Choose File menu > Print Checks.

  4. Insert the checks in your printer just as you would letterhead.

  5. In the First Check Number field, enter the first check number.

  6. Select which checks to print.

    • What are my options?

      • All Checks: Prints all unprinted checks, including postdated checks.

      • Checks Dated Through: Prints all checks up to a specific date. The default date shown is the current date. You can change the date by entering a different date in the field provided.

      • Selected Checks: This allows you to select the checks to be printed. After you select this option, click Choose.

  7. Click Done.

  8. Change the check printing options. (Optional)

    • Tell me more about the printing options

      • Check Style: Select the type of checks you're printing: standard, voucher, wallet, or Check 21 image compatible wallet.

      • Checks on First Page: Select this option if you're printing a partial page of checks on your page-oriented printer. Click the button that shows the number of checks on the first page.

      • Print Your Logo: Select this option if you created a BMP, JPG, or PNG format logo to print on the checks.

      • Additional copies: If you're printing multi-part voucher checks, you can print up to three additional copies. This option is available only with page-oriented printers.

  9. Click OK.

    • What is Print First?
      Click Print First to print only the first check out of the group of checks that you selected. Use this option instead of printing a test check when you're fairly sure everything is aligned correctly and ready to print.

  10. Answer these questions if they appear:

    • Do the Checks Have a Tear-Off Strip?
      This information affects the positioning of the checks. You will have better results if you leave the tear-off strip on the checks.

    • Did the Check(s) Print OK?

      • If they did, click OK.

      • If they did not, enter the number of the first incorrectly printed check and then click OK. Examine your printer to see if the checks jammed or the printer ran out of checks. If the text on your checks is not aligned correctly, adjust the alignment.


  • Printing a partial page of checks

    To print a partial page of checks on your page-oriented printer, select the Checks on First Page option in step 8. Then, click the button that shows the number of checks you want to print.

  • Changes to the wallet check style

    Traditional wallet checks are being phased out and replaced with Check 21 image compatible wallet checks.

More information