Title: Investing Troubleshooting  
Owner: John Hewitt
Creator: John Hewitt Jun 16, 2020
Last Changed by: John Hewitt Aug 05, 2020
Tiny Link: (useful for email) https://quickendocumentation.atlassian.net/wiki/x/T4IN
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Children (34)
    Page: How do I resolve a security comparison mismatch
    Page: What if I need to fix a downloaded Sell transaction that doesn't have a corresponding Buy?
    Page: What if something goes wrong (Updating investment account statements)
    Page: What if something goes wrong (Entering investment transactions)
    Page: What if I need to move shares in or add shares to my investment account without executing a Buy transaction?
    Page: What if I need to get the current price of my stock option update when I download quotes?
    Page: What if I need to remove shares from my investment account without executing a Sell?
    Page: What if I need to resolve a difference between my Quicken portfolio and the downloaded holdings from my broker?
    Page: What if something goes wrong with investments?
    Page: What if Quicken asks me how to add a new cash transaction that I just downloaded into my brokerage account? (What are my options?)
Global Labels (3)