What is the financial institution for this account?

What is the financial institution for this account?

If this account is held at a financial institution

If this account is held at a bank, charge or credit card company, brokerage, or 401(k) plan administrator, enter that institution's name here.

  1. Choose This account is held at the following institution, and then enter the institution name in the field below.
  2. If this is a loan, click This is a loan account. (Optional)
  3. Click Next to advance to the next dialog in the account setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions.


If this is a credit card account, keep in mind that the financial institution may have a different name from the organization that issued the card. For example, many clubs, nonprofits, mileage programs, and so on issue credit cards that are administered by a third-party financial institution. If in doubt, check the name on your monthly statement or call the credit card's customer support number.

If this account is not held at a financial institution

If you're adding an account to track one of the following account types, choose This account is not held at a financial institution, and then click Next to advance to the next dialog in the account setup wizard.

  • Cash
  • Single mutual fund
  • House (tracks the value of your home)
  • Vehicle (tracks the value of a motor vehicle)
  • Asset (tracks art, collectibles, or capital equipment)
  • Liability or loan
  • Invoices/Receivables (only in Quicken Business & Personal
  • Bills/Payables (only in Quicken Business & Personal)