- Click the Rental Property tab
- Click the Rent Center button.
- Quicken displays a list of your properties, tenants, and rental payments.
- If you're tracking more than one rental property in Quicken, select another property in the Show list to view the rent details for it.
- Why do I see a choice called Unknown property?
Quicken displays this option when it is unsure about which rental property a transaction belongs to. In this way, Quicken alerts you about discrepancies that need resolving.
Things you should look for include:
- A single transaction with more than one rental property tag.
- A rental property transaction without a rental property tag.
- To view the data for the current year, select Current year in the Date Range list.
- Tell me more about the options in the Date Range list.
- Current month: Shows the current month. For example, if today is January 20, 2017, this view shows January 2017.
- Recent Months: Shows the last month, the current month, and the next month. For example, if today is January 20, 2017, this view shows December 2016 through February of 2017.
- Current quarter: Shows months in that quarter of the year which includes the current month. For example, if the current month is July 2017, this view shows July through September of 2017. If the current month is May 2017, the view shows April through June of 2017.
- Current year: Shows January through December of the current calendar year. For example, if the calendar year is 2017, this view shows January through December of 2017.
- Last quarter: Shows months in the last quarter. For example, if the current month is June 2017, this view shows January through March of 2017.
- Last year: Shows January through December of the last calendar year. For example, if today is June 20, 2017, this view shows January through December of 2016.
- Year to date: Shows the months January through the current month of the current calendar year. For example, if today is June 20, 2017, this view shows January through June of 2017.
- To view or edit the information about a property, click the property name. (Optional)
- To view or edit an existing tenant's information, click the tenant's name. (Optional)
- What is unknown tenant?
When the tenant name and property name in a rental transaction do not match what you have currently entered in Quicken, it considers the tenant as an unknown tenant. When Quicken displays the unknown tenant on the Rent Center page, you can't click the tenant name for editing tenant information.
Things you should look for include:
- A rental property transaction for a property in which the payee is not a tenant in Quicken.
- A rental property transaction for a tenant in which the property is not the property the tenant has currently rented.
- Quicken displays informational icons on the Rent Center to indicate late payment, lease expiry, and vacant property.
- What do the icons mean?
- Vacant unit: If the property or unit in the current view is vacant , a red house appears near the property or unit name.
- Rent due: If rent is due from a tenant, a green clock appears near the tenant name, and the tenant name appears bold.
- Rent Overdue: If the current date is past the rent due date including the grace period, a red icon appears near the tenant name, and the tenant name appears bold.
- Late payment: If you enter rent payment late in a specific month, a red clock appears in the month column. The icon does not indicate that late fee is due from the tenant.
- Lease Ends: If a tenant's lease is due to expire in a month, a red square appears in the month of expiry.
- The rent amount in the month columns shows the rent due or rent paid. But if the rent from a tenant is overdue, then the amount in the month column includes the rent expected and the late fee applicable.
- The Totals row shows the total of the amounts in the specific column. The total amount displayed at the bottom of the column indicates a sum of rent received as well as rent expected.
- Quicken displays an Overdue column only if the rent from a tenant is overdue.
- When a tenant moves out, Quicken ends the rent reminders for the tenant, and the rent amount is removed from the months after the move-out date.
This feature requires Quicken Business & Personal. This feature is not available in Canada, Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.