To record a dividend reinvestment

To record a dividend reinvestment

Use the Reinvest > Dividend transaction type to record the dividend amount that you reinvested in the same security. Quicken tracks the purchase price of the securities bought. This can be later used for cost basis information at the time of selling the securities and calculating capital gain. Since this purchase is made out of the dividend received, there is no impact on your cash balance.

Note: Your broker may mention dividend payment and shares bought as two transactions in your account statement. You need to remember this when reconciling your account.

To add a reinvested dividend transaction

  1. In the sidebar, select the investment account you want to use.
  2. Click the Transactions tab and then click the New Transaction icon in the register toolbar.
  3. Select Reinvest > Dividend from the Transaction Types list.
  4. Add the reinvested dividend information:
    • Date - Enter the date of purchase. This is important if you want to track complete investment performance and tax information.
    • Security - Select the security for which you're purchasing shares.
    • Dividend - Enter the dividend received for the shares of the security bought.
    • Number of Shares - Enter the number of shares bought by reinvesting the dividend.
    • Commission - Enter the amount paid towards commission, per share.
    • Total Cost or Price per share - Enter the total cost of the shares on the date of transfer or the price paid per share on the date of transfer. Either can be used to calculate your investment amounts.
    • Memo - Enter the note you want to associate with the transaction. (optional)
    • Tags - Enter the tags that you want to use when searching for the transaction. (optional)
  5. Click Save when you are done.