Export or copy a budget
Export or copy a budget
To export the current budget:
Use Export to create a comma-separated values (CSV) file to import into another application (such as a spreadsheet) for further analysis or printing.
- Click the Export button.
- In the Export menu, click on either Export Full Budget CSV or Export Summary Budget CSV.
- Export Full Budget CSV: Export the budget without the total column.
- Export Summary Budget CSV: Export only the total column of the budget.
To copy the current budget:
Use Copy to copy a budget and paste it directly into another application (such as a spreadsheet) for further analysis or printing.
- Click the Export button.
- In the Export menu, click on either Copy Full Budget to Clipboard or Copy Summary Budget to Clipboard.
- Copy Full Budget to Clipboard: Copy the budget without the total column to the clipboard to paste into another application such as a spreadsheet.
- Copy Summary Budget to Clipboard: Copy only the total column of the budget to the clipboard to paste into another application such as a spreadsheet.