Version 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, & 6.5.3 (12_2021-1_2022)
Version 6.5, 6.5.1, 6.5.2, & 6.5.3 (12_2021-1_2022)
Our new 6.5 release is exciting, with many enhancements. This includes a new investment dashboard toolbar, account sidebar indicators, auto-reconcile, bill presentment, and bill pay.
Investments just got a whole lot better
- NEW - We've added a new toolbar to the investment dashboard. Change the date on the dashboard to see what your Holdings, Top Movers, and Allocation by Security and Asset Class were yesterday or even a year ago. Define the accounts to include in the dashboard when looking at Investments, Brokerage, Retirement, or Education account groups. You can update quotes, go to Account Settings, and hide cents using the Dashboard Cards.
- IMPROVED - Our Dashboard Cards now expand horizontally and vertically to match the window so you can see more information. If the window is narrow, your dashboard will switch to a single column and you will see one card per row.
- IMPROVED - The Holdings card is now wider so that you now can see the security name instead of the stock symbol. Also, both the Change (%) and Change ($) columns will appear if the card is wide enough.
- IMPROVED - The Allocation Cards have been updated. You can now hover over the security name or a pie wedge to get more detailed information. We also display more pie wedges now that selecting a wedge is easier.
- NEW - In the Securities window, you can now control the asset mix for each security, mutual fund, and ETF. You can let Quicken maintain and update the mix or define your mix manually.
- IMPROVED - We’ve updated the look and feel of the security window. One key improvement was to reformat the date column under price history to improve readability.
- EARLY ACCESS - We'll be turning on the ability to download market value numbers for roughly 800 more investment accounts. This includes Robinhood, M1 Finance, Fundrise, and others. You won't be able to see transactions for these accounts and in many cases only the market value will download rather than the individual securities, but including these accounts will help you more accurately track your net worth in Quicken.
We’ve made more improvements to our account sidebar indicators and auto-reconcile
- NEW - You can now choose to have the blue dot by your account indicate unreviewed transactions instead of new transactions. This helps guide those who want to review all their transactions. Click the three dots at the top of the account sidebar to choose.
- NEW - For those who review transactions and use auto-reconcile, we've added an option to preferences that automatically marks manually reconciled transactions as reviewed but leaves auto-reconciled transactions as un-reviewed. This allows you to know which auto-reconciled transactions need to be reviewed and categorized.
- NEW - In this release, we've added an auto-reconcile indicator in the account sidebar. This will tell you whether an account was successfully auto-reconciled after an Update or if the account still needs to be manually reconciled because the online balance did not match the Quicken balance.
Adding eBills has been completely rebuilt from scratch to improve reliability and performance
- NEW - Some eBills can take a long time to complete. Other eBills would not complete and fail instead. Our new Add eBill step-by-step process doesn't wait for everything to finish. It can now put an eBill in a pending state to be completed offline. The result of this change is eBills that were difficult to add before should now work.
- NEW - Added a new Pending Tray to the bottom of Bills & Payee screens that lists all pending eBills. Keep an eye on the status of the eBills because some may need additional information from you to complete the process of adding them to Quicken.
- NEW - The Add eBill process has also been redesigned to allow you to add multiple eBills from the same bill provider. For example, if you have multiple Chase credit cards you can add them all at once instead of adding them one at a time as you had to do in the past.
- NEW - We'll automatically set up and propose a scheduled transaction to represent your bill. You can easily choose to edit or decline the proposed scheduled transaction.
- FIXED - Fixed an issue where the Income scheduled transaction type would change to Bill when splitting the transaction.
6.5.1 Fixes
- FIXED - If Highlight accounts with unreviewed transactions was set, fixed an issue where unmatched, manually entered transactions would incorrectly cause the blue dot to display after downloading transactions.
- FIXED - Fixed an issue where the holdings dashboard card displayed the wrong number of shares for options.
- FIXED - Fixed other minor stability and quality issues.
6.5.2 and 6.5.3 Fixes
- FIXED - Fixed an issue in which data in Summary and Comparison reports could become clipped or misaligned.
- FIXED - Fixed an issue in which the cash balance in some investment accounts would incorrectly change when more than one transaction download occurred on the same day.
- FIXED - Fixed other minor stability and quality issues.
- FIXED - Fixed an issue where some transactions would not be downloaded for Charles Schwab accounts when using v6.5.2.