View Tax Planner details
- Click the Planning tab.
- Click the Tax Center button.
- Click Show Tax Planner.
- In the Tax Planner Summary list on the left, click Details.
- In the Form list, select the tax form or schedule containing the Tax Planner data items you want to examine.
- In the Item list, select the appropriate data item.
- To see the individual Quicken categories that are assigned to the tax form (or schedule) and tax line item you just selected, click View tax form line items used here at the top of this window.
- To return to a specific page in the Tax Planner, select the corresponding item from the list on the left. For example, to see the values for other income, click Other Income.
- To view the details for a particular item on a page, click Show/Hide Details or the underlined Tax Planner data item.
Quicken displays information culled from your Quicken data (such as transactions categorized as Salary) or from TurboTax data (if you imported it into Quicken) in the Tax Planner. Quicken projects this data for the current tax year.
You can change any of the information displayed in the Tax Planner at any time. Your changes take precedence; that is, Quicken considers your changes to be the most up-to-date. You can also change back to Quicken data or TurboTax data if you need to.