How to cancel your Quicken membership

How to cancel your Quicken membership

Quicken is a subscription product. To discontinue using Quicken:

  1. Log into your Quicken account at Quicken.com.
  2. Select Subscriptions on the sidebar.

    A panel will display your subscription details, including the fee and when the subscription expires.
  3. Click Manage Subscription. A screen will appear with your subscription options.
  4. Click Cancel Renewal. You'll be offered several options. 
  5. Click I'd still like to cancel. This will cancel your automatic renewal.
    Note: You can still choose to renew at a later time.

I don't just want to cancel. I want a refund.

There is a 30-day money-back satisfaction guarantee from the date of your Quicken purchase or subscription auto-renewal (not including shipping and handling fees) for the following products.  

  • Quicken for Windows
  • Quicken for Mac
  • Premium Support

No refunds are offered beyond 30 days after purchase.

To apply for a refund fill out the form on this support page.