Messages & Offers settings

Messages & Offers settings

The Messages & Offers section in Quicken for Mac provides users with various types of messages, including research opportunities, promotional offers, information from partners, and general informational updates. This feature helps you stay up-to-date with the latest from Quicken and its associated services. This is the central area where you will find all settings and options related to Quicken's messages and offers that can be sent to you.

Use the checkboxes to opt in or out of Messages & Offers. By fine-tuning your settings, you can control the kind of communication you want to receive from Quicken.


This section provides options for participating in research studies or surveys from Quicken that aim to improve user experience.


Choose whether to receive promotional messages from Quicken, including special offers, discounts, and new feature announcements.


Manage messages from Quicken's partner organizations. These could be offers or information related to financial services, tools, or other relevant products.


This category includes general informational updates from Quicken, such as new features, system maintenance, or other announcements that aren't necessarily promotional in nature.