Searching for Amounts
Amount searches that start with '-' or '+' will restrict to expenses or income
"23" will search for 23.00 or -23.00
"-23.50" will search for -23.50
"-23ish" will search for values roughly around -23.00
"~-23" will also search for values roughly around -23.00
"+>1000" will search for income transactions greater than 1000.00
"+<1000" will search for income transactions less than 1000.00
"-&50 .to. 100" will search for expense transactions between 50.00 and 100.00
Searching for Dates
"02/03/2020" will search for transactions dated 02/03/2020
"02/03/2020ish" will search for transactions dated around 02/03/2020
">02/03/2020" will search for transactions on or past 02/03/2020
"<02/03/2020" will search for transactions on or before 02/03/2020
"&02/03/2020 .to. 03/10/2020" will search for transactions between 02/03 and 03/10/2020