- Scheduled - Payment has been submitted with a future date.
- In Transit - Your check has been sent to the United States Postal Service (USPS) and is on its way to them for delivery.
- Estimated Delivery - The USPS has provided an estimated date for delivery. Quicken cannot report actual delivery dates , but will notify you if the check is returned to the sender. Otherwise, otherwise this is your final status.
- Returned to sender - The USPS was unable to deliver your check and it was returned to sender.
- CancelledCanceled- Your payment was not sent. A zero-dollar transaction will remain in your register as a record.
- Spinner indicates that the payment is being processed.
- Green paper airplane indicates that USPS has the check and the payment is in transit.
- Green check mark indicates that USPS has stated the check should be delivered shortly.
- Yellow exclamation indicates that the payment failed.
- Gray circle and line indicates that the payment has been cancelledcanceled.
A status description will also appear in the check field.
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