Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Scheduled  - Payment has been submitted with a future date.
  • In Transit - Your check has been sent to the United States Postal Service (USPS) and is on its way to them for delivery.
  • Estimated Delivery - The USPS has provided an estimated date for delivery. Quicken cannot report actual delivery dates , but will notify you if the check is returned to the sender. Otherwise, otherwise this is your final status.
  • Returned to sender - The USPS was unable to deliver your check and it was returned to sender.
  • CancelledCanceled- Your payment was not sent. A zero-dollar transaction will remain in your register as a record.


  1. Spinner indicates that the payment is being processed.
  2. Green paper airplane indicates that USPS has the check and the payment is in transit.
  3. Green check mark indicates that USPS has stated the check should be delivered shortly.
  4. Yellow exclamation indicates that the payment failed.
  5. Gray circle and line indicates that the payment has been cancelledcanceled.

A status description will also appear in the check field.

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Child pages (Children Display)pageLearn about Check Pay