Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Enter or edit a transaction in the register


  1. Open the account that you want to use.
  2. Select the appropriate option:
    • To enter a new transaction, click 


    • Image Added (the Account Actions icon), and then choose the form you want to use.
    • To edit an existing transaction, in the account register, select the transaction you want to change, and then double-click the word --Form-- in the Category field.
  1. Fill in the form or make any necessary changes.
  2. Click Enter. If this is an estimate, invoice, or bill, click Save and New to save the form and immediately open a new one, or click Save and Done if you're finished.


This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.