- In the checking account register that you use to pay bills or from the Write Checks dialog box, write a check for each bill as soon as you receive it.
Postdate each check to the due date of the bill.
Info title Tell me more When Quicken prints your checks, you can have it print checks through today and hold the postdated checks for future payment.
To get a complete picture of your accounts payable, you should enter each item you owe as an unprinted check, even if you don't print checks with Quicken or don't receive bills for some items. If you enter payments in the register instead of in the Write Checks dialog box, be sure to select Print Check in the Num field. Then Quicken can project balances so you'll know how much cash you need to cover all future payments (even those you're not billed for, such as payroll).
This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental PropertyPersonal. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.