There are a number of ways to locate payments, deposits, and investment transactions in Quicken.
To find transactions anywhere they occur"
Use global search
The global search feature is located at the top right of the Quicken window. Search for payments or deposit.
Global search searches any of the Quicken transactions columns that store numbers or text. This includes Payee, Category, Tag, Memo, Notes, Amount, Date, and Check #.
Note: Don't use it to search Quicken help.
Enter the text of your search in the search field on the top right of the main Quicken window that says Search transactions.
Info title Tips about entering a date or amount When searching for a date, omit the leading zeros and use a four-digit year (for example, enter 5/6/2017, not 05/06/2017 or 5/06/17).
When searching for an amount, don't include a currency symbol (for example, enter 100, not $100).
- Press Enter.
- In the Search Results window, double-click a transaction to view that transaction.
- In the Search Results window, select the transactions you want to change (excluding security-based transactions) and then click Edit Transaction(s). (Optional)