- Enter
Enter (or
Enter this reminder) to add the reminder to the register. You will have the opportunity to make changes, for example to the amount, as it is being entered.
- Where is the Enter button?
The Enter button does not appear:
- If you told Quicken to Automatically Enter a reminder into the register when you set it up. If this is the case, you may see (Auto) displayed instead of Enter.
- If you have selected a reminder in a register that is not the next reminder due. Reminders must be entered into the register in the order in which they are due.
- Enter All
Click Enter All (or Enter all overdue reminders for this payee) to add all the overdue reminders to the register. A reminder displayed in your register reminds you of an upcoming transaction and helps you project your cashflow. A reminder is not an actual transaction until you enter it. You won't be able to change the details of instances of a reminder. They are entered as per original setup.
- Skip
Skip (or
Skip this one) to ignore the reminder this time but resume the normal schedule in the future.
- Skip All
Skip All (or
Skip all overdue reminders for this payee) to skip all the overdue reminders but resume the normal schedule in the future.
- Edit
Click Edit (or Edit this instance; or Edit this instance and all future instances) to change the reminder. For example, you might want to change its schedule, or method of delivery.
- Pay
Click Pay to send an online payment instruction that was previously entered into the register. This option sometimes appears as Send in Quicken.
- Go to Register
Click Go to Register to edit a scheduled reminder that was previously entered into the register.
- Print
Click Print to print a check that was previously entered into the register.
- Show Payment History (Stack View only)
Click Show History to view the payment history of a bill or income reminder. This option is available only in the Stack View. (Choose Bills tab > Upcoming > View as > Stack.)