Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
  1. Choose Tools menu > Account List.
  2. Click the Edit button next to the account you want to change. The Account Details dialog displays.
  3. Change the account information, as necessary.
    • Is there anything I can't change from this window?
  4. To activate, deactivate, or reset online services, click the Online Services tab of the Account Details dialog.

    • To activate an account for online services
    • To deactivate an account for online services
    • To reset or repair the connectivity of an online account
    • To prevent your memos from being overwritten when downloading transactions, select Don't update memo when downloading.
  5. To hide or close the account, or move the account from one account group to another, click the Display Options tab.
  6. To change the tax information for this account, click Tax Schedule.
  7. When done, click OK to save your changes.
