As you move through the account setup process, you may not see all the pages described below—these depend on the type of account you are adding and how much information Quicken can download from your financial institution. Click a the link below for more information.
Sometimes Quicken needs more information to determine what type of account you have, or at what branch the account resides at before it can access it. If you are not sure, here are some tips that may help you:
We have found the following
This is a list of your accounts that Quicken has detected at your bank or brokerage.
Account Type
You may see various items in this list: Checking, Savings, Credit Card, Brokerage, IRA or Keogh plan, or 401(k). Choose one that best matches the purpose of your real-world account.
Add, Ignore, or Link
Quicken needs to know what you want to do with the accounts it has found. Keep in mind that you don't need to set up all of the accounts it finds; just the ones that you want to track in Quicken.
Choose Add to create a new Quicken account in which to download your transactions. If you are new to Quicken, this is probably the option that you want.
Choose Link to download your transactions into an existing Quicken account. If you have previously set up the account in Quicken, but are not yet downloading transactions into it, this is probably the option you want.
Choose Ignore to disregard one of the accounts that Quicken has found. No account will be created, and transactions for that account will not be downloaded into Quicken.
Nickname (Optional)
Enter the name you want to use to refer to the account in Quicken. This name will appear in reports , and in the Quicken interface. If you don't enter a nickname, Quicken will use the name provided by your financial institution for the account.
Used mostly for
If you are using Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property, choose the primary use of the account: Personal (which is the default), Business, or Rental Property. Your selection determines where in the Quicken interface (on which tab) the account appears. You can change this from the Account List later if you wish. the account appears. You can change this from the Account List later if you wish.
Enter the name you want to use to refer to the account in Quicken. This name will appear in reports , and in the Quicken interface.
What is this account primarily used for?