Use the Payment to Vendor form to pay a bill at the time it's due. When you enter the form, Quicken updates your accounts payable register and deducts the proper amount from the bank account you use to pay the bill. You can make partial payments, if necessary; Quicken will track how much you still owe.
You can also enter transactions directly into your accounts payable register, but when you use forms, Quicken can track more information.
- Open the account that you use to track this vendor's transactions.
- Select the bill you want to pay, and then double-click the word --Form-- in the Category field.
- Click Create Payment.
- In the Payment to Vendor form, in the Vendor list, select the vendor's name.
- In the Withdraw From list, select the account from which to withdraw payment.
- In the Outstanding Bills area, in the Pay column, select the bill you want to pay.
Quicken enters the amount of the selected bill in the Amount field. Modify this amount as needed.
Info title What happens when I make a partial payment on a bill? Quicken applies the payment to the bill and keeps track of how much you still owe.
- Click Save. Quicken updates the balance in your accounts payable register and in the account you chose to withdraw the payment from.
This feature requires Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property. Learn how you can upgrade Quicken in minutes.