Make a payment online
- Choose Tools menu > Online Center.
- If necessary, choose the financial institution where your credit card is held.
- Click Payment Information.
- What is Payment Information?
Once each month, your financial institution calculates the minimum payment due and sends that to Quicken with the payment due date. This window contains that information.
- Click Make Payment.
- Review the latest payment information that was downloaded with your last monthly credit card transactions.
- How does this relate to my paper statement?
This window, plus your downloaded credit card transactions, provides the same information you receive on your paper credit card statement. It's a good idea to compare these transactions to your paper statement and to check against the paper statement for your balance due.
- Confirm the amount you would like to pay, or change it by selecting one of the other payment options.
- Select Online Payment.
- Make sure the account you've selected as a payment source is activated for online payments.
- Click OK.
- Click Update/Send to send the payment instruction.
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